Portfolio WordPress Theme

Image: WordPress Portfolio theme

Personal | Design, Build | 2021, 2 weeks | Website Link

Project Overview: 

This is a WordPress theme development project and it’s a part of my schoolwork. I used this theme to create my 2021 portfolio. The portfolio is blog-type and responsive to all devices. This project taught me about the core WordPress components and the processes needed to create a WordPress theme from scratch.  

Table of Content:


  • Create a blog-type WordPress theme
  • Use the theme to make a portfolio

Main tools & plugins:

WordPress,Open-source Content Management System (CMS)

FileZilla,A File Transfer Protocol (FTP) that enables file transfering over the internet

Smush,A plugin that compresses, resizes, and lazy loads images

Brackets An open-source code editor

Learn more about each tool.

Actions Taken:

  • Set up work environment locally 
Image: My “Portfolio Theme” activated in WordPress dashboard
Above: My “Portfolio Theme” activated in the WordPress dashboard
  • Built static web pages before making them dynamic
    • Developed static, responsive pages with HTML, CSS, and PHP.
    • Turned the pages to be dynamic with WordPress Hooks.
    • Registered menus and widgets and enqueued scripts
  • Uploaded the website to the server and managed content 
    • Uploaded the website files and folder to my remote server through FileZilla.
    • Added and edited web content (texts and images) through the WordPress dashboard.
    • Installed plugins that help optimize web resources, such as Smush.


The theme development was a success. My portfolio website was completed, dynamic, and fully manageable through the WordPress dashboard. It earned the following comment from my instructor:

“A perfect WordPress site!!! I would love to use your site as an example for future students! Gift, it’s always a pleasure having you in my class.”

Olga Szemetylo
Image: Pages of the portfolio

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